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Can Anyone Else See These Ghosts?

Dee Corley

December 2023 979-8-9884658-0-5


Do unexplained things happen for you or your children that you want answers for? Are you trying to understand someone close to you who experiences such things while you do not? What if the human body is naturally designed to support mystical and seemingly unexplained experiences? Would you like to know about how energy works in the human body when we're living, and afterward too? 

This book is a primer on metaphysical ideas and concepts.

Within it, you will discover:

Energy systems that support the human body

How energy works in the human body

The Sixth Sense, what it is and how it works

Why everyone has a Sixth Sense

Being different is really amazing!



The Solar Plexus

Using your intuition means you’re using your sixth sense to gather energetic information that your physical senses cannot give you.

Intuition is a built-in way of sensing energy. This “knowing” seems to show up out of nowhere. It shows up for us in many ways, such as those gentle little feelings we get that something is a good idea or something just isn’t quite right.

But if you don’t listen to those quiet whispers of information you don’t learn how to recognize and trust your intuition as you go through life. Those quiet little nudges, warnings, thoughts, knowings…you know what I mean.

For me, it has always been that nagging feeling when I’m ready to go out the door leaving the house, feeling that I forgot something. I have no idea what it is, I just know that I forgot something. If I’ll take a minute to look around I’ll figure out what I forgot. Then the feeling goes away. You might get a feeling like that and realize you almost forgot a lesson you need to turn in today.

Interestingly enough, intuition is used by most people in their daily lives in ways that many people don’t even think about. Your intuition is different from your emotions. Our emotions may be false at times, yet our intuition will always be true.

In the same way that we have to practice and train our eyes to see an aura, we have to practice using our intuition. How many times have you ignored those bits of information, thinking they were just silly thoughts that meant nothing? Only to realize later that if you had listened to some of them, they could have given you the information you needed. It might not always appear that way at that time. Or, are you the person that knows you can trust that knowing and it just never lets you down? If so, you’re trusting your intuition!

Sometimes our intuition can appear to show up a little on the psychic side. For instance, knowing something will happen just before it happens. It actually can be fun to suddenly know who’s calling on the phone just seconds before we answer, or someone shows up at our door or calls us soon after we were thinking about them. We can know someone so well that we get the same thought right before they say it. Sometimes, however, people want to pretend that it didn’t happen, or that it’s really strange. Their response can be, “That’s freaky.” You don’t have to be concerned about what people say though if you simply think of your intuition as your internal guidance system. It really isn’t anything to even talk about to others, because they have theirs, as well.

Being able to feel someone else’s energy when you get close to them is one example of that. You may have noticed that when you don’t feel good about someone or something, you feel it in your belly area. There is an energy center, or chakra, in the upper area of your belly, called the Solar Plexus Chakra. Part of its job is to feel into the energy of others and of situations and to give you information about them. It then stores information about your emotions and your experiences. That way, you can draw from that information when you need it at a later time.


"As an adult, I learned some things from this book, and it validated some things for me as well. I have nephews I'll be sharing this book with!" Helen